How Does The Narrative Martinez Begin With Make You Want For Read Further?

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1. To what extent does the narrative Martinez begin with make you want to read further?
• Martinez’s use of a narrative introduction is well done due to the fact that some of her readers may be unaware of the Dick and Jane series (like myself), and it is a short and to the point starting point to tie to her argument. She then leads to the beginning of her argument by stating “It seems nostalgia runs rampant among many Euro Americans: a nostalgia for the day of unchallenged White Supremacy -both moral and material- when life was “Simple”.
2. How does she connect this narrative to the rest of her argument?
• She uses the Dick and Jane as an example of America’s “nostalgia” and states that this has been seen throughout history. She then says that it leads to our modern issue of America’s identity crisis that will bring the breakdown of the dominant society’s psych, and by this she means the increase in diversity of America’s population is leading to white race not being the dominant social norm. Martinez then leads to her examples of this issue in her following paragraph such as Proposition 187, the 1996 assault on affirmative action, and the 1997 conflict to abolish bilingual education.
3. How does she use repetition to create unity in her essay?
• Martinez creates unity within in her essay by repeating key words/ phrases. Her main argument is the falling of a Euro American identity and the social disturbance it creates, and she restates this by saying “dominant society psych”, “Hey whitey it’s your turn at the back of the bus”, “Euro American anxiety”, “decline of Euro- American cultural centricity”. She never moves far from her original argument even as she retraces the steps of American “identity”, and she makes sure to point out...

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...erspective to view America’s history from. She does this again when discussing manifest destiny or as she calls it “a doctrine that served to justify expansionist violence by means of intrinsic racial superiority”. in the following paragraph Martinez makes her strongest point saying, “Today’s origin myth and the resulting concept of national identity make for an intellectual prison where it is dangerous to ask big questions about this society’s superiority”. She shows her reader in a sense what the word choice, repetition and examples were meant to have them question, which was superiority in this society, and where did it all start. Through the use of historical events Martinez shows alternative views that oppose the sugar coated tales presented by society, and in so many words ask her readers to question history and motive of what the American Identity actually is.

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