How Does The House On Mango Street Show Kindness To Others

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Throughout Sandra Cisneros’s novel A House On Mango Street, the characters all show kindness to others yet few show kindness towards themselves. Throughout the text it becomes evident how the characters feel depressed and show self-hatred because they are not treating themselves as kindly as they are treating others. This brings up the point that most of the characters had not realized until the end of the book which is: kindness towards others is important but kindness towards yourself is just as important. “You are a pretty girl, bum man continues. What’s your name, pretty girl? And Rachel says Rachel, just like that. Now you know to talk to drunks is crazy and to tell them your name is worse, but who can blame her. She is young and dizzy …show more content…

“Meanwhile that boy… asks me to dance and I can’t. Just stuff my feet under the metal folding chair… Then Uncle Nacho is pulling and pulling my arm and it doesn’t matter how new the dress Mama just bought is because my feet are ugly until my uncle who is a liar says, You are the prettiest girl here, will you dance, but I believe him and yes, we are dancing… and everyone says, wow, who are those two who dance like in the movies, until I forget that I am wearing only ordinary shoes” (Cisneros p 46-47). Esperanza, much like Rachel, feels completely ugly and nearly drowns in her own thoughts of self-doubt. Uncle Nacho realized how poor Esperanza was feeling and he chose to be kind to her and help her be kind to herself by asking her to partake in something she enjoyed doing. When dancing with her uncle, Esperanza felt comfortable and had pride in herself because she knew she was a good dancer. This caused her to be happy with who she was and what she was doing rather than being embarrassed as she was before. This was the point where Esperanza learned to be kind to herself in order to be …show more content…

“One day I’ll own my own house, but I won’t forget who I am or where I came from. Passing bums will ask, Can I come in? I’ll offer them the attic, ask them to stay, because I know how it is to be without a house. Some days after dinner, guests and I will sit in front of a fire. Floorboards will squeak upstairs. Rats? they’ll ask. Bums, I’ll say, and I’ll be happy” (Cisneros p 87). This quote truly showed Esperanza’s progress of being kind to herself and how she didn’t only want to help herself by getting a house, but she also wanted to continue to help other who were in the same situation she grew up in. Esperanza was kind to herself and others, while also helping others be kind to themselves and be happy with their

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