How Does Sarah Goodwin's Return Home

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Opening with indistinguishable and chaotic audio news snippets, the play teases the audience with the foreshadowed integration of modern historical events into the complex relationships and identities of its various characters. Caitlin Mason’s production of Time Stands Still, a dramatic play by Donald Marguiles performed in the Bonn Studio, captures the essence of Sarah Goodwin’s internal and external battle with chaos, whether that struggle be with her boyfriend, famine, or war. The drama details the return home of Sarah, a travelling photojournalist, whose extreme experiences abroad have forever changed her relationships and view of life. Through the set design, costume design, and acting, the internal battle and struggle of the photojournalist …show more content…

However, the level of physical characterization is revealed through makeup and clothing. Sarah Goodwin’s face features makeup marks that gradually disappear throughout the play to indicate both the presence of her injuries and their recovery. Richard Ehrlich features gray hair and an enlarged stomach to indicate his old age relative to the other characters. The relationship between Jamie and Sarah is complicated, and the struggle between the two’s different perspectives can be seen through Jamie’s sense of responsibility for Sarah. While Sarah is injured, Jamie attempts to help Sarah with every little thing possible, while Sarah refuses the coddling, subsequently exhibiting her strong independence. This struggle between Sarah’s independence and Jamie’s sense of duty features prominently throughout the drama, gradually revealing histories and ideas that slowly divide the relationship of the two seemingly distant, yet intimate lovers. After Jamie proposes to Sarah, the interaction reveals that Sarah had a sexual relationship with her “fixer”, translator, Tariq who had passed away. Jamie, in a storm of mixed emotions, runs out of the loft in an attempt to escape what he had just learned; but as Sarah falls and injures herself during this moment, Jamie immediately rushes to her rescue to carry her back into the bed she had fallen out of. This

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