How Does Rousseau Use Direct Democracy

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Rousseau thinks the ideal society is where the citizens are directly involved in the creation of the laws that govern over their own lives in society. In my opinion, I agree with Rousseau’s idea to use a direct democracy, instead of a representative democracy in our society. Representative democracy does not fulfill the rightful needs of the people and does not look out for the common interest of the people. Direct democracy gives the people a stronger voice in society and makes them feel more important when it comes to governmental policies and issues.
(Rousseau 2004) Rousseau explains that citizens of a society must be able to obey and develop the idea of “general will” because it is the process of establishing the common good of the people. Rousseau argues that, “the general will is always rightful and always tends to the public good; but it does not follows that the
He believes that the rule of the majority has to not show high moral standards in practice because it is too difficult to find a majority who can do this. Aristotle expresses the idea that democracy does not help achieve the good life for all of its citizens. He states, “The true forms of government, therefore, are those in which the one, or the few, or the many, govern with a view to the common interest” (Aristotle 61). This quote shows that the government should be designed to allow the citizens to receive what is best for them in society. Aristotle explains that man is a social and political animal in our society so, he should be allowed to voice his opinions. Man is given the gift of speech for a reason and a government should not be able to take that away from him in society. Without the right to voice your opinions and views in society, it takes away from your rights of freedom that are entitled to

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