How Does Religion Shape My Identity

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Harris stated, “A belief is a lever that, once pulled, moves almost everything in a person’s life.” This quote exemplifies how religion has played a major role in forming my own identity. Being a part of a church has created positive aspects in my life. My religion has formed my identity by making me feel as part of a whole, while establishing my morals, how I treat others, and giving me comfort.
According to Durkheim in the article “Religion is a Team Sport,” religion is a unified system of beliefs and practices that unites members into one single moral community. Growing up around small-town churches has created a small community that has always supported me. My group membership to my church established close relationships with others. I …show more content…

When this happens, it is good to know that they can join their religious group and work together, instead of trying to do it alone. Being a part of a Christian community has influenced my identity and has played a role in establishing my morals. Consistent and strong morals were established in my childhood and I have stood by these ever since. As a result, I identify myself as an ethical person. I am the type of person that will do the right thing when challenged to pick the wrong option. Utilitarianism, which is choosing the best action that maximizes well-being, is very important in religion. I want what is best for the group and for others and do not mind giving up my advantage or time to help others.
According to Durkheim, morals force people to regulate their actions by something other than their own egoism. Being a moral Christian has influenced my actions and beliefs by reducing my ego. The bible has taught me to remain humble and to accept when things do not go my way. Religion has also taught me to be a less corrupt person. By following the Ten Commandments, I have been influenced to not lie, steal, cheat, etc., which has made my morality consistent in my …show more content…

In the Finke and Stark article, they discuss pluralism, which is a condition or system in which two or more religions coexist. My hometown was definitely a pluralistic community. By having different churches in my small town has allowed me to become more diverse and accept different views from others. As a result, I am more open to new ideas and can respect differing opinions.
Religion has also influenced the way I treat other people’s mistakes. Knowing that God accepts our sins, it makes it easier for me to accept people’s mistakes or flaws. I understand that no one is perfect, but forgiving them can help them move forward instead of backwards. This also makes it easier to accept my own flaws as well. I make a lot of mistakes and unfortunately, I sometimes dwell on the past a little longer than needed. However, I know that I can turn to my small community and God and they will allow me to embrace my mistakes as a part of who I

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