How Does Power Corrupt In Macbeth

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In the play “Macbeth” by William Shakespeare, the main character, Macbeth, is used to support the theme, “Power corrupts”, by transforming from a loyal, honest warrior to a corrupt, power-hungry king. In the beginning of the play, Macbeth is known as a brave and loyal warrior that is dedicated to the well-being of his country. After a bloody battle, the captain reports to the King, “For brave Macbeth (well he deserves that name)/Disdaining Fortune with his brandished steel/Which smoked with bloody execution”(I.2.17-20). Macbeth was not only the best soldier the King had, but was also humble about his title. One day, a strange group of witches appear in front of Macbeth and informs Macbeth that he will one day be King of Scotland. He is very …show more content…

He still has morals until he realizes the power he could receive. Out of desire for more power, Macbeth murders the King and his two guards and then blames the murder on the King’s two sons, who flee from the country. This is when power has completely corrupted Macbeth and who he was before the Witches visited him. Macbeth’s corruption even furthers when he pressures three people into murdering Banquo. He makes them think Banquo is a terrible person when truthfully he is one of the most level-headed characters in the story. Eventually, the Murderers kill Banquo, who used to be Macbeth’s companion in battle, all for Macbeth to secure his spot as king. Days later, Macbeth hears from the Witches that Macduff is another threat to him. He immediately decides to kill Macduff and all his family. Macbeth doesn’t even overthink his decision and says, “From this moment/The very firstlings of my heart shall be/The firstlings of my hand.”(IV.1.166-168) At this point, Macbeth has been so corrupted by power that he won’t even think about his actions before he does anything. He won’t assume the people that will be affected by his actions or the consequences of his

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