How Does Piggy Present The Evil In Lord Of The Flies

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Lord of the Flies is about a group of young British boys who find themselves stranded on an island without any adult supervision, and are left to their own devices to find ways to survive. We follow these boys’ experiences from them first arriving on the island civilized, to the end where all sense of civilization and order are lost and most of the boys have become savages. The big theme in this book is that evil and violence are a part of human nature, and the use of children for the characters was to portray that evil isn’t learned behavior and even previously innocent children can become evil. One of the children, Piggy, was one of the only boys who did not start down a path to savagery. Piggy represented intelligence, civilized behavior, …show more content…

Piggy represents the intellectual side of humanity and rational thought. The author says this about Piggy - “Piggy, for all his ludicrous body, had brains”[71]. Piggy is not like the other boys, he is fat and has asthma, and has poor eyesight, but he has great foresight. Knowing that he would not make a good leader, and that none of the boys would listen to him, he continually offers his opinions and ideas to Ralph, who he knew could make them work. Piggy is the one who came up with the idea to use the conch, to build shelters for everyone, and when the topic of ghosts comes up he attacks the notion and tries to implore that everyone think clearly. Piggy comes up with the idea of the signal fire and his glasses are necessary in maintaining and creating the fire for the signal as well as the fire for them to cook pigs meat. With Piggy’s death it means the end of rational thought on the island, and Jack and his crew perform possible the dumbest move they could have, set the island …show more content…

Although there are no adults on the island, Piggy is the closest thing to having an adult there. He even goes so far as to distance himself from them by calling them a “crowd of kids” on multiple occasions. He stays clear and level headed no matter what is going on. When Ralph was confused and filled with doubt, it was Piggy constantly reminding him to stay focused on the signal fire. The idea of using the conch to call meeting is brought up by Piggy, and thus the first and only “election” is born because of it. “Which is better - to have rules and agree, or to hunt and kill? Which is better, law and rescue, or hunting and breaking things up?”[259]. Even when Jack had mostly taken over the island and the boys were out of control, Piggy tries to reason with them. Piggy’s belief in order and civilization is so strong that when Jack and his followers attack Ralph’s group, he incorrectly guesses that they came for the conch and not his glasses. With Piggy’s death and the destruction of the order he represents as well as the conch, everything quickly falls into chaos and Jack’s crew immediately attempts to kill

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