How Does Mrs Dalloway Commit Suicide

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No one can truly know what goes on inside the head of a suicide victim before they take their own life, but in Mrs. Dalloway, Virginia Woolf depicts the suicide of Septimus Smith in a way that is painfully and powerfully informed by her own experience. Though she would live past the book’s publication, Woolf would tragically commit suicide sixteen years later. But human lives are not black and white, and there is much to be learned from Woolf’s path and her battle with mental illness through the characters in her novel. Clarissa, and Septimus, whom Woolf describes as Clarissa’s counterpart, provide insight Woolf’s own mental state, and more importantly illustrate the incredible nuances that define peoples’ individual struggles. Clarissa, Septimus, …show more content…

Dalloway has no one central problem. And this lack of a focal point forces the reader to scour the text for conflict. It draws focus toward each of the many small points of interest in the story. It is the small challenges that add value to life and create the human condition. No one has truly lived without suffering. The beauty of Mrs. Dalloway is that the reader sees several characters who are not necessarily living their best life but all of them share the strength to keep moving. Septimus may have been intended to be Clarissa’s double, but in his final act, he connects himself to every character in our story. He is a contrasting image. A scapegoat. In his inability to find peace and accept society, he is forced to reject it. One does not have to believe in destiny to understand that Septimus was meant to take his own life. He certainly had the choice to keep living, but he was so far past the point when living would have been worth it for him. With essentially no hope of improving, it is comprehensible that by committing suicide Septimus was freeing himself from the bonds of life. The realization that one has the ability and freedom to kill himself is dangerous, but it is also the epitome of life’s freedoms. It is the one weapon that each of us has in the face of the greatest terrors. While that may seem bleak, it also illustrates the value in life. Suicide is a reminder that life is more fragile than we often think, and its value is

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