How Does Malcolm Present Free Will In Macbeth

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Free will is the ability to act on one’s own ability. In the Play Macbeth there are many characters which can either be presented as having free will or not having any at all. Malcom and the witches are both important characters in the movie which present the power of free will. Free will can in so many circumstances be a touchy subject. There are many different religions on which free will is not believed as a thing that we have control over. It’s presented in many religions as a action or even an outcome of decisions. Free will can be seen through the characters through quite a few simple ways also. The witches and and Malcolm present their free will through their actions of being in control and taking over and being able to control people into their own use. Malcom and the witches are some of the few characters that presented free will through the actions that they made throughout the play. Was the actions or characteristics made because of their gender? Men can be presented as more controlling and faster to make decisions known as the boss and the decision maker. Women are known to be very …show more content…

Malcolms free will can be seen in the play when he chooses to flee from Macbeth's castle right after his father is found dead in his chamber while staying at Macbeth’s castle, “What will you do? Let’s not consort with them.To show an unfelt sorrow is an office Which the false man does easy. I’ll to England.” (Mac.2.3.116-118). There are several different actions that Malcoms choose to take which can also be or is considered free will. Another action that Malcom takes is when him and Macduff take the role on which upon they plan to take revenge upon macbeth and get the throne back to the rightful heir Malcolm and give Macduff the satisfaction of killing Macbeth in honor of his wife, kids, and servants. Malcolm uses his free will when he choose to come back and and take over the land and be

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