How Does John Proctor Obtain Goodness In The Crucible

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How would you feel about a man who has committed adultery? Would you be able to forgive him, or would he ever regain his goodness to you? This describes a character from The Crucible, John Proctor. So, does John Proctor ever regain his goodness by the end of the play? Yes, John Proctor regains his goodness by the end of the play because he does not lie and confess to witchcraft, he confesses to committing adultery, and he does not fall for Abigail’s temptations.
When John is presented the decision to lie and confess to witchcraft so he can have his life, he chooses not to confess and rips up his confession. This shows he has his goodness because if he did confess, he would have lied to them and as John says in the play, “God damns all liars”

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