How Does Jimmy Valentine Change

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From Criminal to Champion O. Henry’s coming of age story, “A Retrieved Reformation,” is the story of a man’s journey to change. Jimmy Valentine is a criminal who has just been released from jail for robbery. He visits a small town in Arkansas called Elmore on a quest to rob a bank, but when he’s there, he sees a beautiful woman and instantly falls in love. Jimmy decides to stay in Elmore after seeing this woman, and changes himself into a wealthy and polite man named Ralph Spencer. One lesson the story suggests is that people with a troubled past still have the potential to change. From the very beginning of the story, Jimmy Valentine had the potential to change. Right after Jimmy was bailed out of jail, the warden told him, “you’ll go out …show more content…

Henry writes, “Mr. Ralph Spencer, the phoenix that arose from Jimmy Valentine’s ashes--ashes left by the flame of a sudden and alterative attack of love--remained in Elmore, and prospered. He opened a shoe store and secured a good run of trade.” Henry uses a metaphor in this scene to illustrate how Jimmy really did change. This makes one realize that Jimmy really did change into a new man for this woman, and he changed into a new man for the better. He can now leave his past behind him and start a new life in Elmore as Ralph …show more content…

Ralph Spencer, “had won the respect of the community, his shoe store was flourishing, and he and Annabel were engaged to be married in two weeks.” This quote shows that Jimmy Valentine has definitely been replaced by his new and improved self, Ralph Spencer, and is a utterly different man. Jimmy changed because he was in love, and because of this change he was able to get her. On the other hand, Jimmy not only changed for love, but for himself. I believe that Jimmy knew that he could become a better man, so he did. In the end of the story, it is made obvious that Jimmy had changed. When Agatha, a little girl, is locked in a bank vault, “in a minute Jimmy’s pet drill was biting smoothly into the steel door. In ten minutes--breaking his own burglarious record-- he the back the bolts and opened the door.” This illustrates Jimmy’s true change. If he was still a criminal, and was using his tools for robbery, Jimmy might not have considered using them for a good reason like so. Jimmy’s change into Ralph Spencer really did him, and the people around him

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