How Does Incarceration Reduce Crime

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Contemporary Corrections
Research through the years has provided an argument that a high incarceration rate has a positive impact on reducing crime. As an opposing argument, more contemporary studies suggest that the incarceration rate is not linked to the crime rate.
a. Explain the conundrum.
The United States has an enormous prison problem. The impact of incarceration on crime is inconsistent. The increase in incarceration does not help reduce the crime rate. Incarceration may account for a third of the decrease in crime rates but is not significant to be a contributing factor. Modern incarceration levels do little to deter crime while they do much to rip up families, increase racial disparities and destroy lives. District attorneys …show more content…

The first change to the drug laws was to legalize marijuana. This drug law policy believes that marijuana should be considered on the same level as alcohol; the illegal market for this drug would be completely abolished. The drug enforcement resources and incarceration due to marijuana would also be abolished as well. Marijuana is not as expensive as the other drugs that would be considered as economic-compulsive crime. The availability of this drug may influence crime for other drugs. Marijuana legalization would tend to have modest effects on crime. It would eliminate more than half of the drug rates. Decriminalization would also reduce the number of arrests but in turn would increase the market for cannabis. The expansion would be substantial for the level of crimes that are not drug related. The second change to the drug laws was legalizing PCP. The legalization of PCP would most likely increase crime. This change to this drug law was not sustainable. Legalizing PCP did not eliminate much illicit-market crime and it limited law enforcement resources. There would also be a small increase in crime related intoxication and addiction. This would make PCP legalization a net crime legalization. Since it is only a small contributor to crime; legalizing PCP to control crime would not be a huge factor in drug laws. This approach would not be sustainable to drug enforcement. The third change to drug laws was legalizing cocaine. Cocaine trafficking and consumption caused a huge amount of crime and used majority of law enforcement resources. Crimes associated with cocaine use and the long-term effects of addiction would presumably increase. Smaller illicit market revenues would translate into less market crime. The shrinking of illicit business would increase the job market participation in high crime neighborhoods and decrease the number of offenders with prison weapons and prohibited

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