How Does Hitchcock Create Suspense In Psycho

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Filmmaker Alfred Hitchcock was the master of suspense. According to Movie Gurus review, “Alfred Hitchcock is undoubtedly one of the greatest and most influential film directors in the history of motion pictures” (Ulmer par 9). His most famous movie, Psycho, was filled with various themes, but the theme that stands out the most was suspense. In this movie, Hitchcock used various film devices in the following scenes to support the theme of suspense. In the shower scene in Psycho, where Marion was murdered, was one of the most important key scenes in the film where the whole theme of suspense began. The key lighting in the bathroom shows how bright and innocent the scene looks; however, it builds tension, as the victim had no idea of what is going to happen. As Mother appeared, the backlighting shadowed her figure, adding to suspense to the scene by concealing her identity. In addition, the reverse shot of Mother stabbing Marion and Marion reacting to it was suspenseful because it showed us a clear view of what is happening. According to the Psycho review, “Never before had death been rendered with such coldness and such unromanticised lack of dignity” (Scheib par. 4). The shower scene supported the theme …show more content…

The long shot and high angle shows how Mother suddenly came from the other room, with a kitchen knife in hand, and stabs Arbogast in the chest. This supports the theme because it gives a full view of what is happening. After she stabbed him, there was a close up shot on his face as he gasped for air and there was a tracking shot as he fell down the stairs. This was suspenseful because it gave a close up look at his reaction to the attack. The death of Arbogast supported the theme because it was unexpected yet it adds to the question of who is

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