How Does Head Trauma Cause Of Memory Loss

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There are many ways to get memory loss. It can happen over time or instantly. There is no saying whether a person will get memory loss, it is almost at random if a person will get. As stated before, getting memory loss has a lot of factors to it. One common way to get it is through a head injury. Though getting a head injury doesn’t always result in memory loss, it has factors to it. Receiving head trauma can cause symptoms like amnesia. If the force that caused the head trauma was hard enough, it may as well caused some brain damage. If the temporal lobe or the hippocampus parts of the brain are damaged, it will usually lead to memory loss. It all depends on the severeness of the brain damage. Disease is also a cause of memory loss. Though …show more content…

Drug usage is something that seems to be a problem in today's world, it to can cause memory loss. There are a few ways that it can cause memory loss. One of those ways is through smoking. Smoking can make it to where a person can receive less oxygen to the brain. This makes remembering things harder for that person and can cause memory loss. Another way is by drinking alcohol. Drinking too much alcohol can cause a person’s body to blackout, this causes that person to not remember what happened around the time of the blackout. Old age is one of the main factors to memory loss. It increases the chances of diseases like Alzheimer’s. One thing that happens when a person is their ability to remember will be reduced making it harder to remember things. Most of the time this isn’t even severe. It is caused because as a person gets older, their brains will begin to change. How a person is feeling can also be a factor of memory loss. People with stress, anxiety, or depression or who are fatigue usually can’t stay focused or thing straight. This has some effects on the memory and can cause some memory loss. One of the last ways to get memory loss is through an event. It would have to be a certain type of event that would have to

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