How Does Exercise Affect The Musculoskeletal System

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Exercise has many positive effects on the musculoskeletal system. Muscles use energy in the form of glucose, oxygen intake increases and the heart works to send more oxygen and blood to the rest of the body. Resistance to bones encourages new growth making them stronger. Synovial fluid production increases, lubricating the joints and making them healthier and all the while, though seemingly slowly, even tendons and ligaments become stronger.
As we age and become less active, our strength decreases, our mobility decreases and we become less stable. Basic strength and core exercises are a good way to turn this process around.
Core and strength work includes squats, lunges, pushups, planks and bridge lifts as well as basic moves such as side bends, stretches, standing leg lifts and arm circles. All the exercises work in a low-impact manner to strengthen the bones, build muscle, lubricate joints and allow for a broader range of motion and stability. …show more content…

I will begin and stick to a routine for about three or five months and then slowly taper off until I haven’t exercised in six weeks and I see the results undoing themselves. I then somehow find inspiration to begin the entire process over again (within the next three weeks or so). I vary on what exercise I do. I have walked, jogged, lifted weights, and for a while (5 months to be exact) I woke up at the crack of dawn to go swimming.
The one kind of exercise that manages to remain in my on and off again routine, is basic core work and strength exercises. Like most routines you can add more movements, or weights as your strength and endurance

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