How Does Dashner Create Suspense In The Death Cure

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“Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goal” (Henry Ford). This is shown throughout the book as the reader follows the main characters on their journey to take down WICKED. Throughout their journey the reader sees them visit several new cities and territories that propose new challenges to them. In the novel The Death Cure by James Dashner, the setting motivates the characters decisions, and creates suspense in the plot.
The first time the reader sees the author use setting to create suspension is when Thomas and his friends visit Gally in Denver. They had been previously warned about the city being overrun by cranks and that a group called The Right Arm was plotting against WICKED. The reader sees the characters visit Gally’s place in Denver where he speaks to them about The Right Arm, and what their future plans are. “They sat down on the bare floor, he and his friends in a …show more content…

The author uses the description from previous chapters and the setting of the crank palace to create suspense about the encounter. “As the group walked past home after home-nothing more than shacks that had fallen into disrepair-Thomas imagined how truly awful it must be to live in such a place”(172). Through this description about how run down the crank palace is, suspense is created in the next few chapters as they try to find Newt. This description foreshadows the characters being attacked as they try to escape the crank palace, due to how run down it is, and how the people there are going mentally insane. Their visit also motivates Thomas and his friends to join The Right Arm in the future because they are sad about what happened to their friend Newt. They do not want WICKED to do anything like it to more people, so they are motivated to join The Right

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