How Does Claudius Acknowledges What Laertes Demands To Know Who Killed His Father

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Choice one Option 1 1.During Act 4 scene 4 at the battlefield Hamlet says the passage.

2.During this passage Hamlet realizes that he has been no different then an animal because he has never tried to use reason when fighting opponents only his sword. Hamlet is essentially wondering why he has not taken advantage of the ability to reason. A true man has been given the ability to reason so he realizes that if he does not try and treason then he is an animal.

3.This passage relates to a Elizabethan audience because Hamlet is talking about god and the powers god bestowed among humans to be different then animals. Mostly everyone back in those days believed in god because the churches were very powerful in that era. Soliloquy is used heavily …show more content…

This passage foreshadows the duel that Hamlet and Laertes will eventually have.

2.Laertes demands to know who killed his father so he goes to Claudius for answers and initially blames Claudius for murdering his father. But Claudius is a mastermind at manipulating, Claudius manages to convince Laertes that he is not responsible and to stay his hand. Claudius also says "And where the offense is let the great axe fall." to demonstrate that he is willing to execute the person who is responsible.

3. This is an example of irony because the audience and Claudius know that is was Claudius that had slain Laertes father. Also that Claudius is just manipulating Laertes for his own personal gain and maybe turn him on Hamlet.(Foreshadows the duel) It targets an Elizabethan audience because people in those days would not care about another execution because that punishment was pretty common back then, but here we have laws that allow the person accused to prove themselves innocent or prove that they can be trustworthy through …show more content…

Hamlet says this quote to Queen Gertrude at Ophelia's grave.
2. Hamlets character development in this passage occurred because he went from a respected, well-liked price of Denmark to “mad”, and all of Denmark has been notified of his madness. Even though he is pretending to be mad everyone believes that he truly is mad. Also a gravedigger foolishly points out Hamlets madness while talking to Hamlet. Laertes has been calm throughout this whole play up untill now, but during Ophelia's funeral everyone can clearly see his decent into madness. Also Laertes has taken late Polonius' spot as the King's confidant. Which again foreshadows the death of Hamlet I a duel.
3. In this Act many literary devices were used Allusions , Mythological, Hyperbole, Metaphors, Foreshadowing, Dramatic Irony. Irony was sued because we truly know why Hamlet is pretending to be mad but Denmark does not. Also it foreshadows Laertes and Hamlets duel to the death. Hamlet compares his loves mass to forty thousand brothers love mass and says that his is larger. This targets a Elizabethan audience because during this scene Ophelia is being buried in a tomb of sorts which is not sued in modern day we just have a hole in the ground.

Choice 4 Option

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