How Does Boo Radley Change In To Kill A Mockingbird

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Boo Radley changed from being a monster to a hero in To Kill a Mockingbird. At the start of the book, the majority of Maycomb sees him as insane or crazy. This is shown in the novel by the rumors spread about him. One includes a story on how Boo allegedly, “...Drove the scissors into his parents leg, pulled them out, wipe them on his pants, and resume his activities,” (Lee 13). Another one is that “Any stealthy small crimes committed in Maycomb were his work,” (Lee 10). These comments show how the majority of Maycomb sees Boo and they shape him out to be a monster. Since Scout is a child, she’s easily influenced into thinking about Boo in that way too. However, when Scout has a conversation with Miss Maudie, she learns more about Boo. Miss

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