How Did They Wear Greek Clothing

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Egyptian Clothing What kinds of clothing did they wear? Men’s Clothing The ancient Egyptians wore as little clothing as possible, considering the unbearably hot weather. Males wore a linen skirt (kilt) around their waist. At first, male skirts were tight and short, then, over time, they became long and full. The women wore low-cut linen dresses with straps. But the children went about naked, with no clothes! The children wore nothing at all until they started to grow and become adults. Women and Children’s Clothing The women wore low-cut linen dresses with straps. A popular women’s dress was called a Kalasiris. Although, men also wore the Kalasiris. But the children went about naked, with no clothes! The children wore nothing at all until they started to grow and become adults. …show more content…

(Below) What kinds of clothing did the servants wear? The male servants wore much shorter kilts then the wealthier men, because they had to work harvesting crops or serving their master all day in the hot sun. When working in the Nile, servants wore no clothes, being covered by the water. Only wealthy families could afford accessories like beads and long, flowing dresses or kilts. Fun Facts! King Tut was buried with about one one-hundred pairs of shoes! King Tut was also buried with almost every clothing item imaginable, even undergarments! What was the clothing made of, and how was it made? The ancient Egyptians almost always wore clothes made of linen, a material commonly used in ancient Egyptian clothing made from flax. They rarely used dyes to color there clothes, although they could, but white was the most popular color. Making clothes was usually done by women. Shoes were weaved of papyrus reeds, or leather sewed together by women. Fun Fact! The ancient Egyptian rulers made their servants dress statues of an important god in a sacred temple. What was the clothing’s religious

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