How Did The Tang Dynasties Affect The Economy

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The Tang dynasty was not always booming. The beginnings of the dynasty were actually pretty rough, and could be considered to be more on the recovery side of the spectrum. This was largely due to the fall of the Sui Dynasty and along with it, Emperor Yang. There was a void that needed to be filled post fall, or the empire would crumble into economic distress. To the times surprise, the Tang Dynasty took economic success to a whole other level. The Tang’s economy thrived up until 625 (major drought) and then another big hit was the Huang Chao uprising in the 800’s. During their economic prime, under the reign of Kaiyuan and Zhen Guan, the dynasty’s economy was very unique to the economies of past dynasties that had come about, and unlike anything seen in the west at the time. The Dynasty had several sets of skills instead of one that really made the economy prosper and with the introduction of new forms of currency; the Tang Dynasty was set to forever leave its mark in history economically. Trade during the Tang Dynasty is probably the most well-known and studied of dynasties in China. Their trade and commerce was able to increase swiftly because of the newly implemented systems and ways of trade. Some of the big ones being: coinage/baking/minting, handicraft, bronzing, agriculture, and of course advanced …show more content…

It’s been hypothesized that while the Silk Road had been around for centuries, it did not truly come to its peak until the creation of the Tang Dynasty. At this time, the greatest amount of trade occurred and the Chinese economy had reached its climax. With all of this trading, it gave them a much greater advantage than their counterparts in let’s say, Europe or the Middle East at the time. Not just items were being traded, but ideas as well. Various developments were made in things such as woodblock printing, timekeeping, mechanical engineering, medicine, structural engineering, cartography, and

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