How Did The Robber's Cave Experiment Cause Conflict Between Two Groups

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The Robber's Cave experiment was conducted by Muzafer Sherif a famous Social Psychologist. He came up with this experiment in 1954, where he picked twenty-two boys from Caucasian middle class homes with two parents. The boys didn't know each other before the study and had no relations to any gangs. When arriving to the campsite, they were divided into two groups, where they were asked to make up names for their groups, they develop their own culture. The group did the normal activities you would do if you were attending an away camp for the summer, things started to shift to competing to aggressive behavior toward each other to the point the researcher had to separate them for a cool off period. During the cooling off period the researchers asked the two groups to write a list of features of the two groups. The boys characterize their own in-group in very favorable terms and the other out-group in very unfavorable terms. The experiment showed the same kinds of conflict that plague all over the world. Putting strangers to groups, throw the groups into competition, stir the pot and soon there is conflict. The evidence shows that when you force people to compete for something, there will be aggression between the groups. (McLeod, S. A. (2008).Robbers Cave.) It’s like a small town gang that divided into two groups …show more content…

When it was time to make new friends, it would be hard for me because I was lighter than my siblings. If we lived in a mostly African American community I was teased, made front of and never accepted were as my two other siblings were. I was called a "Cracker" and "See-through". Kids ask my sister do we have the same father or parents. When we lived in a mostly White neighborhood and went to school, I was treated better than my sisters and I could see with my every own eyes, how both sides would discriminate and it made us mad growing

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