How Did Salvador Alvarenga Survive In The Sea

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Surviving in the Sea “A fishing trip turns into a terrifying test of survival after Salvador Alvarenga becomes one man against the sea.” From the book “438 DAYS” By, Jonathan Franklin. Tells how it took Alveranga more than just his skills of navigation and fishing. He had to keep the mindset of surviving for his wife and 13 year old daughter. Wanting to survive meant he had to do things he had never done, “for fourteen months, Alvarenga survived constant shark attacks. He learned to catch fish with his bare hands. He built a fish net from a pair of empty plastic bottles. Taking apart the outboard motor, he fashioned a huge fish hook. Using fish vertebrae as needles, he stitched together his own clothes” All this time his mind was set on …show more content…

“Alvarenga imagined his life if he could ever make it home. He would be a family man with a clutch of children and a field full of animals. He begged to the heavens for a final chance, an opportunity to salvage the relationship with Fatima.” Allowing him to keep his mind clear and his body strong. Physical activity isn’t the only thing that will allow a person in a threatening position to survive, mental strength and motivation is a crucial step to come home. This reliance on your mind to be clear and sharp can also be see in the story “Deep Survival” by, Laurence Gonzales, from collection five. “You must train yourself to see what’s really happening and changing around you without freezing or denying the truth of the situation.” This was presented through the journey of Juliane Koepcke; survivor of a plane crash. She chose to leave her group and go by herself even when everybody else decided to stay, because she too was picturing herself being with her family, just like Alverange did. Juliane “set off, resting through the heat of the day and traveling during the cooler periods. She walked for eleven days through dense jungle while being literally eaten alive by leeches and strange tropical” while in Alvarenga case “It took him half a day to reach land. When he was ten yards from shore, he dived off the deck and let a wave carry him in.” after a year in the

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