How Did Jack And Ralph Lead To Tension In Lord Of The Flies

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When the boys landed on the island, they would initially strive to have fun and enjoy themselves due to a lack of authority curtailing their liberties, and with the sanguine hope of being rescued. However, due to their predicament, two leaders would emerge, Jack and Ralph, leading to conflicting leaderships that would eventually lead to tension between the two boys. Jack would have a penchant for flouting the orders of Ralph, the elected leader, especially when he and his hunters were ordered to watch the fire which was at that time, their only hope of being rescued. The fire, like many, would die down, and Jack would return with a slaughtered pig, with the knowledge that he disobeyed the orders assigned to him. Ralph would express this to him, but he would be,¨vaguely irritated by his irrelevance but too happy to let it worry him.¨ (Golding 63). …show more content…

In Jack’s mind, he would rather build his own society on the island than adhere to the morals and laws of Ralph. Even though this act of defiance was minor and trivial, this would strip Jack of some of his innocence, foreshadowing the conflicts with not only Ralph, but also himself, as he would break away from the inchoate government Ralph has instituted, and really submit himself to evil. As the grueling weeks and months elapsed on the island, attempts to ameliorate relations between Jack and Ralph would prove futile, even though it seemed to be improving at times. Several incidents between the two boys that would lead to inimical relations would occur, especially when Jack became obsessed with hunting the native pigs for sustenance, not to mention the “beastie”. It would be at one meeting that Jack would vilify Ralph and compare him someone who looked incompetent yet was really not. Someone who acted,‘“like

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