What Influenced Malala Yousafzai

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Have you ever been restricted from doing something because of an aspect in your life you just cannot control like skin color, gender , where you live? How'd that make you feel? Did you feel like you had to do something about it, like change was needed in your society? You are not alone! Self discrimination as well as family influences and the betterment of others are three things that powerfully influenced Mohandas Gandhi and Malala Yousafzai to try and change society. Malala Yousafzai and Mohandas Gandhi were both motivated by their family. Malala’s father always told her she could be whatever she wanted to be ,and do whatever she wanted to do.this attitude enforced by her father made her decide to never stop learning even when the taliban burned down schools. Gandhi also had family influences. He was influenced by his mother's peaceful attitude; Gandhi refused to take violent approaches when trying to change his society for the better. Both Malala and Gandhi were directly affected by discrimination in their society. Being directly affected, or targeted, is also another motivator for change. The Taliban believed that women should not be educated. this directly affected malala because she was a young girl that loved school. Being targeted by the taliban caused her to speak out for all women and children that faced injustice and lack of education. …show more content…

An example is, the Boer legislature passed a law that said all indians had to register and be fingerprinted by the police. This direct altercation by the Boer police changed Gandhi's life and began his revolution.another example is the british rule , Gandhi believed that the Brittains impoverished his people.Also, ghandi was directly targeted because of his religion back then , in india there was an muslim/ hindu brawl. The muslims and the hindus of india did not get along which caused disunity and

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