How Did Galileo Use The Telescope

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The Telescope is one of our artifacts. Galileo has had many theories about the world beyond him. In 1608, a Dutch scientist invented the telescope. Galileo heard about this, and by 1609, he created his own telescope, which was far more advanced than the one in 1608. It had a magnification of more than 20 times. This telescope has led to the advanced technology we have now. He created the theory and proved the moon’s phases, and also the planet Venus has phases as well. He discovered Jupiter’s four moons. This has been a huge impact on Astronomers today. From his discovery, we were able to understand more about the solar system and how it works. Galileo also proved the Earth orbits around the Sun, and not the opposite, changing Astronomy forever. …show more content…

As you know, Galileo was in the Renaissance Period, where people believed in their religion greatly. Galileo believed in his religion greatly as well, but when he heard the Bible passages from the Roman Catholic Church, he denied that the Earth was the center of the solar system. Galileo helped us learn that you should achieve or prove what you think is right. The Church warned Galileo many times, but he didn’t give up his work. The Church had delayed Galileo’s work on Physics and Astronomy. The Church was in scientific authority at that time, thus the rules of Astronomy and Physics were set, but for Galileo to prove his understanding, he had to recreate the rules. The Church had banned Galileo of all his work. But as time went, the Church couldn’t deny the science behind Galileo’s work and released the prohibition put on Galileo's

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