How Did Friar Lawrence Influence Romeo And Juliet

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Many would say Friar Lawrence’s influence and choices lead to the untimely downfall of the two lovers. As Friar Lawrence was the one who gave Juliet the potion and planned the entire situation. However, a failure his plan was. The second friar in charge of the letter never made it to Mantua and deliver the letter explaining to Romeo the plan. As Romeo never received the letter, he never knew of the plan. So as soon as the sight of Juliet under the influence of the potion fell before Romeo, he thought of the only reasonable explanation available, that Juliet was dead. Without his love, Romeo turned to a true poison to be with his love at last, “Here's to my love! [Drinks] O true apothecary! Thy drugs are quick. Thus with a kiss I die.” (V, iii,?).

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