How Did Frederick Douglass Life Change

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Frederick Douglass life changed was when he fought covey because when he go transferred to Mr.Covey he got a very severe whip in his back and Mr.covey didn't really care to whatever he was going to do to him so one day they were feeding horses and doing work in the farm.So Mr.Covey got him from the legs trying to tie him but Frederick douglass had an idea of what he was going to do so Douglass started to struggle and then they started to fight and Covey was really weak and called hughes to help him but you know that Frederick Douglass is stronger than them so he kicked them.Then he got a really good kick so minutes after they stopped fighting Douglass saw Covey and didn't do anything so he Federick Douglass was surprised that he didn't get a whipping of his life so instead Covey gave this other 16 year old a whipping.So Douglass made a conclusion that says “such as it is, I will give it. …show more content…

Covey enjoyed the most unbounded reputation for being a first-rate overseer and negro-breaker. It was of considerable importance to him.” What i'm saying is that Frederick Douglass means by all of this that happened that you have to take risk and is better fighting for what is right because he didn't take all the poop that Mr.Covey was doing.One more thing about how it changed frederick douglass life is that he did not change his life but other slaves as well because thanks to him he got to get his freedom.His life did not change by fighting Mr.Covey because violence is not the answer and that stayed on his permanent record.Frederick Douglass instead of fighting Mr.Covey he probably should've just ask why is he doing this,he could of ask for help or he could of pushed him and ran away to some free place where they don't accept slavery.I also don't think that he shouldn't of bought corvey because what happened if he hunted him down and killed him or whooped him that was a really risky move of frederick

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