How Did Culture Contribute To The Development Of Roman Culture

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Introduction The author, Kim Ann Zimmermann believes that culture is the characteristics and knowledge of a particular group of people. Culture is who we are and where we come from. It is what we believe in and what this world is made up of. Culture is important because we are culture we show culture everyday from what we wear, the language we speak, the food we eat, and the music we hear on everyday basis. Culture is what society has defined us as. There are so many cultures this beautiful world has, cultures that have been around for many years. Such as Roman culture. The Roman culture was originated in Europe, Europe included England, Portugal, Spain, France, and many more. Unfortunately this culture is not around anymore but many still keep the celebrations the ancient Roman had alive. Although there are many factors that have contributed to the development of Roman culture, it is the language, lives, holidays, and festivals that has made the greatest impact on the culture today.

Ancient Language The issue focused on ancient Rome language is demonstrated to be very important to the Roman. Roman languages included Italian, French, Spanish, Portuguese. The reason why the …show more content…

Ancient Rome did have a royal/ upper class, they were called patricians. Most patricians were wealthy landowners from old families. Boys born in a patrician family would get an extensive education along with a private tutor. To rich Romans education was a big deal, wealthy children would most likely get a private tutor. General schools were only for boys. The poor people in ancient Rome did not receive a formal education. However many still learned how to read and write. The Romans were very busy people and had a massive amount of time to dedication and work, but they never forgot about their families and always had time for families as well. An addition to this culture was their Holidays and

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