Culture As A Subculture

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According to Cambridge dictionary culture, is defined as ‘The way of life, especially the general customs and beliefs, of a particular group of people at a particular time’ (Cambridge English Dictionary). Culture is rich and diverse. It is originated in the most ancient stages of society’s development and it is inextricably linked with the human history. There is a constant process of enrichment of cultures, the creation and dissemination of cultural treasures and achievements. Word ‘culture’ in a modern shape was mentioned by The Roman orator and philosopher Marcus Tullius Cicero in (106-43 BC) in his "Tuscola conversations". Marcus Tullius Cicero used the word "culture" in a figurative meaning, describing the philosophy as a "soul
Some of them are youth subcultures, the study of which is highly important for sociology. So, what is subculture itself? In a broad sense, subculture is understood as a partial cultural subsystem of the “official” culture, defining the style of life, the hierarchy of values and mentality of its carriers. That is, subculture is a group within a society or, in other words, a culture within culture. It is important to mention such phenomenon as counterculture – a specific type of subculture denying the values of the dominant culture (J. Yinger, 1960). As an American sociologist Theodor Roszak, who was the first to use the term “counterculture”, puts it, counterculture does not only have its own paradigm, as a subculture does, but also clearly opposes itself against the dominant culture, questions cultural values, norms and morals, creating its own system of such (Roszak, T., 1968). Counterculture was brightly pronounced in the Social Revolution in the 1960s, hippies movement of 1970s and punk subculture. It is also important to 28e32note that, unlike subculture, counterculture does not only have to do with different youth movements of the 20th century. As the dominant culture is not able to cover the whole symbolic space of the society, parts of this space are shared by subculture and counterculture. In this meaning, early Christianity, communes of utopians and the Bolsheviks movement in

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