How Did Cosell Changed The Way We Do News?

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There was a time when many reporters were content to give just entertainment to the public. Cosell believed that sports needed to be changed. Richard Lapchick viewed Cosell as a seminal figure in the industry. “While people may have wanted the escape sports provided, they also needed to hear the principles he spoke about” (Shapiro, 1995). Some of Cosell’s former colleagues admired his ability to elevate any event he covered into a major story.

One of those former colleagues, Herb Granath, said that Cosell at one point was the most influential figure in all of sports. Granath worked with Cosell and others in the early days of “Monday Night Football”.

Although Cosell was known as being an aggressive sports broadcaster with a gusty and cocky …show more content…

Cosell was criticized by several people, but the best thing that he had on his side was the relationship with Mohammed Ali. Everything that Cosell did with Ali, nobody could ever be able to change the way we do news like him.

How Cosell changed the way we do news?

Howard Cosell changed the way we do news today because he was always looking for the best opportunities that were available for him. Terry O’Neil, former executive producer at NBC sports and executive with ABC News who began his broadcasting career as an ABC Sports researcher assigned to Howard Cosell, said that the changed made by Cosell was epic and cosmic.

“He’s the one guy who made it possible for the people who followed him to tell the truth. None of us could have made the attempt without him. Howard Cosell was the father of real journalism in televised sports" (Shapiro quoted O’Neil, 1995).

Cosell truly changed the way news was done in the sports industry. It wasn’t just his relationship with the athletes, but the way he spoke of them and how he always told it like it is. “I say it like it is!” is one of the most popular catchphrases that Cosell used throughout his career. The fact that he always told it like is it made the audience always wanting …show more content…

The New York Times said that “he tended to be loved and loathed for the same undisputed characteristics: his cocksure manner and his ebullient, unqualified immodesty” (Thomas, 1995). Cosell accepted this and let it fuel him to achieve a much better career. There are several sportscasters today who have felt the same way Cosell did when it came to the criticism of their on-air personalities like Skip Bayless and Stephen A. Smith.

How did Cosell change the way news was done:

Of course, Cosell left an everlasting impact on future sportscasters and the audiences that follow them. However, the biggest thing that he changed was his interaction with the big name athletes. Cosell rose to fame covering Cassius Clay. He was actually the first sportscaster to call Mohammad Ali by that name in an interview after a boxing match.

Cosell was a frequent victim for Ali’s one-liners. It is what made their relationship great. A converted Muslim, Mohammed Ali, and a Jewish sports reporter from Brooklyn, Howard Cosell, were not likely to have ever been talked about that much in the media, especially during those times. Cosell was always there to support Ali even when he refused to be inducted into the

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