How Did Benjamin Franklin Contribute To The American Dream

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The idea of the “American Dream” date back all the way to the 1600s when the colonists were separating from Britain. Only the bravest, intelligent citizens took it upon themselves to lead their country. The Founding Fathers are the seven men, along with other key leaders, that constructed the American democracy and made a huge impact on the world. Benjamin Franklin led a life only found in fantasies. From Franklin’s early life to his inspiring legacy and leadership, he helped transform the nation. Born in the Massachusetts Bay Colony on January 17,1706; Benjamin was the youngest son of seventeen children. From an early age Benjamin was a natural earner but discontinued his studies to work in his father’s soap and candle shop at age 10. Two years later, Franklin joined his brother as an apprentice at his printer shop. Working at the shop, Franklin indulged himself with writing and poetry. In the Autobiography, Benjamin claimed that “Prose Writing… of great Use to me in the Course of my Life, and was a principal Means of my Advancement” (“Benjamin Franklin”). With no work success in New York Franklin …show more content…

Benjamin Franklin would be thoroughly disappointed in our country if he saw it recently. With our current president, a new, upcoming spending budget, and an infectious disease spreading around. Obama’s efforts on the National security regarding ISIS and other terrorist groups have people doubting his qualifications as president (Roff, ). Citizens believe that the president is not taking enough actions to defeat these terrorists. Only thirty-four percent agree with Obama’s way of handling extremist groups and forty percent believe that America’s top priority is national security and terrorism (Roff, ). Also, many believe that Obama no longer has but is a puppet for Congress. The spending budget that is being constructed is controversial among

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