How Did Ancient Romans Get Their Food

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Ancient Rome around 100 BC was the time period Julius Caesar was born. Ancient Romans dishes were different than our foods we eat today. Ancient Romans are known for elaborate dishes of grains and beans throughout their days. Dinner was the time the Romans could show off to their guest with the best dishes that they could afford. Some main foods in ancient Rome were wheat and oats, fruits and vegetables such as grapes and olives, meats, and seafood. A lot of Romans grew their own food but if not they could be purchased at markets. Starting off the day with breakfast or jentaculum, Romans ate cereals that included wheat pancakes or a slice of bread with honey. Not everyone ate breakfast though. They even had cereals made with wheat as well. Lunch time was around 11 a.m. It consisted of meats, cheeses and bread. Most Romans lived in places where they were unable to cook in case of fire hazards so they mostly got hot foods from restaurants called thermopolia. Lunch time was the main meal of the day called “cena” for higher classed Romans usually made of 3 parts. Something simple to start off the meal, next came the main dish which could be fish or even sometimes a roasted pig. This was all washed down with a drink of wine. The final thing was …show more content…

Pancakes, sausages, boiled eggs, mussels, pears and cheesecakes. Romans loved wine with honey to drink at all times. Another dish served in ancient Rome was the Columella Salad. The recipe for this salad consists of 100g of fresh mints, 50g of fresh parsley, 1 small leek, a sprig of fresh thyme, 200g of salted fresh cheese, vinegar, pepper and olive oil. Lucanian sausages were brought back to Rome by soldiers who had served in Lucanian. This sausage consists of peppers, parsley, condiments, bay berries, and meats grounded in. A food eaten by the soldiers of Julius Caesar was Julian stew. This stew was made from two kinds of ground meats, pepper, fennel, and wine

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