How Did 9/11 Changed America

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One of the most tragic events in the history of the United States, the September 11 attacks, changed America in ways of national security, foreign policy, civil liberties, immigration, and the mindset of the average American in general. Four air planes were hijacked by Saudi Arabians, whom were under command of Usama Bin Laden, the master mind behind the attacks. One crashed into rural Pennsylvania, harming no one outside the plane. One hit the side if the Pentagon building in Washington D.C.. The other two hitting the World Trade Center forcing them to collapse completely. About 3,000 people died on 9/11 due to these despicable acts of terrorism. "We're young men; we're not ready to die." - Kevin Cosgrove,, a business executive who was on the 105th floor of the south tower moments before it collapsed.and more dead due to the wars it caused (Cosgrove 2001). This quote shows the unexpectedness of the attacks, and how terrible the attacks were. The September 11 attacks were performed by an Islamic group called al-Qaeda. The motives of which were stated by their leader, Usama Bin Laden, when he declared Holy War on the US. In 2002, Osama Bin Laden stated that he attacked the US because of their support in attacking Muslims in Somalia, supporting Russian violations against Muslims, the United …show more content…

This is comparable to when America changed their view on black people because of Rosa Parks. After the attacks, the FBI recorded a whopping 1,700% increase of hatred towards Muslims from 2000 to 2001. During the process of recovering from the attacks, Muslim Americans faced an upsurge in negative stereotypes expressed by other Americans. Although there were people who did not and took great measures to help stop discrimination. The American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee was formed to help the cause. Muslim immigrants, more than any other ethnic group, were looked down

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