Hospital Comorbidity: A Case Study

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The hypotheses in this study indicated that the use of comorbidities along with severity of injury in trauma patients as compared with a severity score alone would help to determine the hospital ranking. The null hypothesis was accepted in this case as there was no difference in the comparison. In the statistical analysis the following findings showed: the intraclass correlation coefficient was 0.943 (CI 95%, 0.931-0.951); the Spearman correlation coefficient was 0.953 (CI 95%, 0.944-0.960); and the kappa statistic (0.863 0.72-0.934) (Glance, et al; 2010; pp729-731). It is important to note that underestimating the coding of comorbidities was understood and may have contributed to a bias toward the null hypotheses and maybe underestimate the

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