Horace Verbermockle Murder

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On November 16, 2017, Horace Verbermockle was found lifeless as he laid down in the bathroom floor at his house. What happened to Horace Verbermockle?, his wife Minnie Verbermockle claims that Horace must have slipped on soap before she found him unconscious on the floor and alerted the doctor, who stated that Horace was dead when he got there. Minnie was the major suspect in the investigation by the fact that she was the first and only witness of the body. However after reviewing the evidence found at the scene, it is positive that Minnie Verbermockle murdered her husband Horace Verbermockle. A reason to believe Horace was murdered by his wife is that the soap could have been planted at the scene by Minnie. A piece of evidence is the fact that the soap was wet, probably had been used or had been wet on purpose, and that the soap was on the floor and not on the shelf it's supposed to be in and as a rule people place the objects they use back to their place, given to this evidence it shows that Minnie placed the soap at the crime scene after she killed him. …show more content…

As a rule only women use high heel shoes. Another element of evidence is that there was high heels shoe prints at the crime scene that are walking toward the door to get out of the bathroom, as a rule people do not use shoes in the bathroom, this evidence shows that Minnie killed Horace and she left the shoe prints at the crime scene when she walked out to call the doctor. Although some people could argue that she did not killed him and that the shoe prints are from when she discovered the body and walked out to call the doctor. This is false because Horace died from an strike to the back of the head and the only shoe prints are from women’s high heel shoes, therefore we know that Minnie is the

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