Honey Bees Argumentative Essay

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Honey bees are an important part of North America, they help spread pollen from plants, and help maintain the ecosystem. That is what many people think about how honey bees affect the environment, and if you look at honey bees at face value they seem like an undisputed positive. With movements in order to “save the bees.” Mainly only focusing on one type of bee (honey bees). which can have disastrous consequences in not only America, but the rest of the world. I believe honey bees are harmful to the environment, and we should work towards helping other bees instead, such as the bumblebee, and sweat bees. Honey bees first arrived in America in 1622, where they spread rapidly. Many people think honey bees are “important” pollinators, but before they got to America, it was one of the most luscious places in terms of many different thriving plants. This is due to the over 4,000 species of “Native” bees in America (20,000 worldwide), let alone the other pollinators such as thousands of butterflies, wasps, flies, and even beetles that help pollinate the environment. You're probably thinking “What does this have to do with honey bees, and why should we work towards getting rid of them?”. …show more content…

But why is that a bad thing? Honey bees are very inefficient pollinators. Kicking out many other bees and pollinators who are much more efficient at pollinating such plants, leading to many plants going into decline. Not only are honey bees territorial, but effective at killing other native pollinator populations. Similar to other European colonizers, they spread an extreme number of diseases and disorders to other

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