Honestly, Tell The Truth: American Conflicted About Lying Essay

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Did you know that “the average person lies three times within the first minute of meeting a stranger and between ten and two-hundred times a day” (efficientlifeskills.com)? No wonder kids today constantly shout “Liar, liar, pants on fire” to their friends. You probably heard this saying many times as well. Think about the last time you lied. Did you trick others to avoid consequences? Did it ACTUALLY save you from the repercussions? The people in our society have deceived one another into believing that lying is a safeguard. In fact, this conclusion is far from the truth as lying provokes stress and is capable of terminating the bonds of trust between two parties. This is what Barbara Ballinger and Life on NBCNEWS.com reports in their articles, “Brad Blanton: Honestly, Tell the Truth” and “It’s the Truth: Americans Conflicted About Lying”. Lying induces unexpected complications; Who knows? One consequence of lying might come hurdling right at you. To begin with, lying is unjustified as it prompts stress to attack people. According to “Brad Blanton: Honestly, Tell the Truth”, lying is unacceptable since it “keeps you locked in the jail of your own mind. You have to remember what you told each person” (Ballinger 7). People already …show more content…

For example, according to “It’s the Truth: Americans Conflicted About Lying”, “One key cost [of lying] is credibility: Once a person finds out you lied, you lose currency in their eyes” (Life on NBCNEWS.com 12). Even by telling one little lie, you are instantly prone to this circumstance of breaking a bond of trust. Despite this fact, you may still contend that lying is acceptable when protecting one’s feelings. However, once that person finds out that you lied, they will NEVER be able to trust you again. Are you really prepared to see your lifelong companionship crumble down in a matter of

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