Homeostasis Of Lumbriculus Variegatus Experiment

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This experiment intends to investigate the homeostasis of Lumbriculus variegatus as it is affected by three different drugs. Homeostasis is the the tendency toward a relatively stable equilibrium between interdependent elements, especially as maintained by physiological processes. A living organisms bodies goal is to keep homeostasis so that the body can run properly. The purpose of medical science and pharmaceuticals in general is to make compounds and medications that aid in the human bodies attempt to stay at homeostasis. These worms will have these three substances: alcohol, caffeine, and nicotine applied to them in either "high" or "low" concentration. Alcohol is a depressant meaning that when it enters the body it slows down and relaxes the organism. …show more content…

Nicotine works as both a depressant and a stimulant depending on the dosage. The experiment will be separated into 6 groups each testing a single substance at either high or low concentration. These groups will be recording several worms heart beats in order to prove each individual's personal hypothesizes on which solution will have the greatest effect and which substance with having the weakest effect. Due to the toxic nature of nicotine, it is hypothesized that nicotine at high concentration will have the greatest effect on the worms. It is hypothesized that the low concentration of caffeine will have the weakest effect. The goal of this experiment is to find which substance at which concentrate has the strongest and weakest effect to better understand homeostasis. This experiment also will provide insight into how these three substances affect living

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