Holden's Obsession With Mr. Antolini In Catcher In The Rye

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“You’ll find you’re not the first person who was ever confused and frightened and even sickened by human behavior.” This quote comes from Mr. Antolini, a former teacher of Holden Caulfield, the protagonist of the novel. Holden is a conflicted, lonely, and disturbed teenager. He desperately needs guidance and direction, and even more so human interaction. Mr. Antolini tries to give him all of this, by attempting to guide Holden, giving him advice on issues he is struggling with, like, school and his home life. In a way, Mr. Antolini was striving to be a father figure to Holden. Trying to support him, and lead him on the right path in life. Holden’s immaturity is truly exposed when Holden runs out of the apartment, thinking Mr. Antolini …show more content…

This event exposes his unfounded view of the world, where his obsession with sex and egotistical attitude block rational thinking. Holden’s interactions with Mr. Antolini reveals Holden’s desperate need for guidance, while also exposing traumatic incidences of Holden’s past, which help us to understand Holden more fully as a person. Holden’s incident with Mr. Antolini really gives hindsight to Holden’s lack of guidance throughout his life. When Mr. Antolini is giving him crucial advice on how to live his life, all Holden is thinking about is how tired he is and how nice Mr. Antolini was for taking the time to talk to him. This certainly shows how lost Holden is. Holden has been searching the whole novel for something that he cannot find. He desires guidance but when he receives it, he is uninterested. Holden is ultimately too conflicted to get anything at this point, because when he does get what he wants, he immediately desires something else instead. When Mr. Antolini touches Holden’s head, he irrationally assumes that Mr. Antolini is taking a pass at him. This shows his obsession …show more content…

Antolini to explain deeply rooted incidences in Holden’s past that Holden would never come out and share. Holden characteristically, talks in a way that is very scattered and around the point. He doesn’t come out and say many things directly. Sallinger included this incident to showcase to the reader the motivations for Holden’s distrust and isolated attitude towards adults. Whether Mr. Antolini had bad intentions or not, what is really important is what this occurrence tells us about Holden. He says that “This kind of stuff’s happened to me about twenty time since I was a kid. I can’t stand it.” Holden’s lack of trust could have spurned from a childhood molestation from someone he was close to or trusted. It could explain his obsession with sex and his reluctance to partake in it. Even if Holden is exaggerating, which is very characteristic of him, he usually has some truth in what he’s saying. For example he says that Mrs. Antolini is about “sixty years older than Mr. Antolini.” This is clearly an exaggeration, but yet, there is some truth in the statement. Mrs. Antolini was probably a few years older than Mr. Antolini. Therefore, everything Holden says should be taken with a grain of salt, but that does not discredit his words overall. Holden has an awful relationship with his Dad, barely speaks to him and clearly resents him. This easily could have spurned from his childhood molestation. His

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