Holden Caulfield Loneliness

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Holden Caulfield narrates his story from Hollywood, California, a city of movie stars and big dreams. The story he retells takes place in cold, dreary, wet New York City, New York. It is not a coincidence that author J.D. Salinger uses these two environments to create a mental contrast with Holden’s emotions. During Holden’s time in New York, he spends many nights and days trying to find himself as a person and struggling to grasp the idea that he is eventually going to grow up. This reality check does not sit will with Holden as he spends most of his times in the big city alone and depressed, trying to reach out to anyone willing to talk to him and help guide him through the unstable path of adolescence. Thus, in the novel The Catcher in the Rye, written by J.D. Salinger, Salinger uses setting to show how winter affects narrator Holden Caulfield through feelings of depression and loneliness.
While at Pencey Prep, Holden uses the cold wind of winter to find an emotional connection to his school and his classmates. Holden is on top of a hill overlooking the big football game alone reminiscing about Pencey and its attendees. Holden huffed in the cold, “It was December and all, and it was cold as a witch’s teat… I kept standing next to that crazy cannon, looking down at the game and freezing my ass off. Only, I wasn’t watching …show more content…

He never had to reach Holden’s biggest fear of growing up and maturing. He is jealous of James because he got to forever stay a child. The sweater is important because it gives Holden a personal connection to James. He will always remember James wearing his sweater. It is also very important that James was alone because it gives Holden a reason to alienate himself and isolate himself. He wishes that he was James and he wishes that he could forever stay a child. Holden is using the fact that James was wearing his sweater as a reasoning behind his irrational

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