Holden Caulfield In The Catcher In The Rye

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Holden Caulfield, a charismatic teenager from New York City, recounts his excursion in the novel, The Catcher in the Rye. After fleeing from Pencey Prep boarding school as a result of his expulsion, Holden commences his lonely three-day journey into New York City. Holden’s brother and best friend, Allie, died of leukemia in the Caulfield’s summer home in Maine. This heartrending event emotionally obliterates Holden at a young age. Because he feels adulthood taints purity and leads to death, Holden becomes the catcher in the rye, saving all children from the cruelness of adulthood. “A point central to the novel is that Holden is the innocent youth in a world of cruel and hypocritical adults” (Bloom 21). To aspire to stay young forever renders …show more content…

Holden’s travel through the city enables him to interact with various types of people. He connects with his younger sister, Phoebe, amidst his attempt to also save her from adulthood. Phoebe is the only person in Holden’s family with whom he has sustained a relationship; he lacks authority from his parents in his life because he hardly spends time with them because. Holden constructs bonds with the ducks in the Central Park lagoon as well as the Natural History Museum. His need to be the catcher in the rye formulates false identities that he believes to be true. Vanishing from reality, he views Allie as an aide. The climax of Holden’s mental breakdown occurs when he is strolling through the city, “I'd say to him, ‘Allie, don't let me disappear. Allie, don't let me disappear. Allie, don't let me disappear. Please, Allie.’ And then when I'd reach the other side of the street without disappearing, I'd thank him” (Salinger 198). Holden exhibits his aloneness and love for his brother. At the end of his journey, with the help of his sister, Phoebe, Holden appears to …show more content…

Feeling vulnerable after leaving his fencing team’s equipment on the subway, Holden purchases his red hunting hat. “ In this sense, Holden's red hunting cap is both concrete evidence of how he does not fit into the Pencey mold and a symbol of the backwards hunt he will pursue in the wilds of Manhattan” (Pinsker, Pinsker 9). The red hunting hat manifests Holden’s uniqueness among his peers. He wears the hat backwards, connecting to the backwards trip he makes throughout New York City, eventually leading him to come to a sense of reality. The hat bestows him with a sense of confidence, "... I swung the old peak way around to the back - very corny, I'll admit, but I like it that way. I looked good in it that way" (Salinger 18). Holden exploits the hunting hat for protection, just as the thought of Allie did when Holden experienced the peak of his mental breakdown. Holden details, " My hunting hat really gave me quite a lot of protection, in a way, but I got soaked anyway." (Salinger 213). Connoting to Allie’s read hair, the hunting hat too, is red. This is Holden’s method of figuratively keeping his brother with him. “Protected only by the red hat, which he now wears like a baseball catcher as he evokes Allie's favorite sport” (Bryan 65), emphasizing Holden’s use of the hat as one of the last ways he can hold onto

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