Hitler's Argumentative Essay: Should People Be Loyal?

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Adolf Hitler once explained, “He alone, who owns the youth, gains the future.” With a vision as malevolent and inhuman as his, Hitler’s key to success was to command the loyal. By raising the youth of Germany with ideals similar to his own, Hitler developed control over a loyal population. Therefore, an issue arises; should people be loyal? Should people devote themselves and their ideals to another individual. Additionally, how does loyalty among individuals aid in present day society? With a world as evasive and inconsistent as our own, it is important to lie one’s loyalty in the right hands. In the case of slavery people should stand up for their own rights and aspirations. Loyalty to an owner or slavemaster builds an imbalance between the loyal and the controlling. During the slave trade between Africa and South America, millions of Africans were sent to the Americas to be bought and sold as slaves on plantations and in large industries. With more and more slaves being sent, the slave holders’ power exponentially grew. Eventually this forced upon version of loyalty became one of the largest industries on the planet. And though the slaves were not necessarily loyal to their owners, the owner and slave relationship depended on the fear and compliance the slaves demonstrated. …show more content…

Loyal bonds created between friends, co-workers and family members are part of what drives the success in people’s working and personal lives. Loyalty between a customer and his or her retailer create long lasting business deals while loyalty between two spouses creates a secure family life. The appreciation for loyalty is also more apparent with these kinds of benign interactions. Source A discusses a dog that “stays with owners body for 30 hours in the snow”. This level of loyalty to another individual is not only flattering but is sought out for when looking for a partner or

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