History of the National Health Service

2008 Words5 Pages

History of the National Health Service

The purpose of this essay is to outline the history of the National

Health Service and why it was introduced into the everyday lives of

the British people.

As the NHS is a major factor of the welfare given to the people of

Britain, we must look at the early years of the Welfare laws and acts

passed down through the centuries, which eventually lead to the

creation of the NHS. The first welfare reforms were known as the 'Poor

Laws', which had their beginnings in the Elizabethan era. In 1601 the

first Poor Laws were passed which basically put each parish in charge

of doling out relief to the parish poor. In theory these new laws

should have been sufficient for the people of the time, however in

practice these laws were not regulated or monitored and if a poor

person moved, they were not entitled to any relief in their new

parish. These laws remained largely unchanged until the new Poor Law

Amendment acts of 1834, which was only brought in after much

campaigning from around the land. This new law allowed a person to

accept a place into a 'House', commonly known as the Work House.

Although the poor person was given shelter and food in return for a

days work, the conditions endured were often worse than what was

experienced by the recipient before entering this 'charitable'

institution, the reason for this was to put off any vagabonds who were

too lazy to work an honest days work thus ensuring only the needy and

desperate would apply for help. (Joanne de Pennington-Beneath the

Surface: A Country of Two Nations. / Frank Field-The Welfare

State-Never Ending Reform. These two sources are from www.bb...

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Leathard Audrey. (1991) Health Care provision: past, present and

future, Bury St Edmunds England

Powell Martin A. (1997) Evaluating the National Health Service,

Buckingham England

Briggs Asa. (08/04/03) Reforming Acts


Professor Eric Evans. (08/04/03) Laissez-Faire and the Victorians


Frank Field-The Welfare State-Never Ending Reform


Joanne de Pennington-Beneath the Surface: A Country of Two Nations.


The NHS explained (08/04/03) www.nhs.uk/thenhsexplained/history

Welcome to the NHS (08/04/03) www.nhs.uk/thenhsexplained/history

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