History of the Institutional Review Board

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The Institutional Review Board was established in the second half of the twentieth century to protect human subjects in research. The official date the Institutional Review Board was singed into law was July 12, 1974. On this day, humans subject to behavioral and biomedical research became officially protected. The foundation of the Institutional Review Board is the result of many significant historical events. Throughout history there have been many laws that have acted to restrict and regulate research. Examples of laws to protect the interest of individuals backtrack all the way to the 1st century, when Celsus understood that there must be a benefit to the individual in order to subject them to an experiment. In addition, in the 5th century, Hippocrates established the doctor’s oath. This oath ensured that doctors did procedures in the best interest of the individual. The expansion of the amount of people doing research can be attributed to the scientific revolution in the eighteenth century. This time period started an investigation method consisting of valid measurement. After the expansion of universities during the tail end of the nineteenth century, human research expanded and initiated laws to defend individuals from unethical procedures. At the start of the twentieth century, the framework for human subject experimentation was drastically altered. The main issue at the forefront was ethical issues during experiments. These issues led to regulation by the government and laws of conduct. The most important concept focused on the benefit versus the risk in the scientific experiment. Another concept was the guarantee of consent by the individual taking part in the scientific experiment. The last events that pion... ... middle of paper ... ...dural injustice was moderated by power distance. Lastly, the research determined that employees with low to medium power distance had job strains and procedural injustice that were facilitated by supervisor conflict. When it came to employees with high power distance they were unable to find this link (Liu et. al, 2013). Essentially, this study found that equity is necessary for a functional relationship between employees and supervisors. The future of equity theory will look at a more macro level instead of the current micro level. Instead of only taking small samples, equity theory will look to focus on whole types of organizations. Also, equity theory will look to research other cultures. Works Cited http://www.hpu.edu/CHSS/IRB/IRB_History.html http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Institutional_review_board https://wikispaces.psu.edu/display/PSYCH484/5.+Equity+Theory

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