History Of Photography Research Paper

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History of Photography Every two minutes we snap more pictures than the whole of humanity did in the 1800s. Did you know that cameras existed way before people started taking pictures? Cameras used to be handmade and took a long time to actually produce a picture. Many pictures in the long ago used to be in black and white but now they are taken mainly in color. Now taking photographs are as easy as clicking a button and people specialize in photography. Photography has allowed us to capture historical moments and change how we see that world.

The first photograph was taken in 1862 by a handmade camera. The photograph was taken from the upstairs windows of Nicéphore Niépcen house. In the Burgundy region of France. This image was captured …show more content…

They took a photograph of a tartan ribbon which was red, green and blue. The ribbon was photographed it three times, through the same color filters, as well as a fourth exposure through a yellow filter, but according to Maxwell's account this was not used in the demonstration. They did that just to create a single image at the Royal Institution in London. At that moment the idea of color photography was created. History of Cameras The types of cameras vary from many years. From the first pinhole cameras where you couldn't save an image for long to the modern day cameras where you can not only store the picture in different format but edit them to make them your type. Different design for cameras were in existence. It wasn't until the 1800s that the practical cameras were developed. The first type developed played an important role in the development of photography and …show more content…

One of the factors that goes into deciding is the cost. Professional photography is going to have high prices. A photographer must consider the use of the photograph, production involved to create the image and the expenses of being a photographer. Although, if you are just doing it as a hobby or not in the professional level the prices may vary.

A professional photographer relying on the structure for income is expensive. Photography equipment is not cheap. The cameras, lighting, software, and support equipment is upgraded every year. Photographers also must invest at a high level in their marketing, advertising, and portfolios. Also the costs of running a crew, studio, and business. Although, not every photographer depends on their photography for income. There's are photographers that love taking photos, but don't have a well sense of business.

Choosing to do photography as a hobby can limit the expenses.There are many people who like photography, they have a good eye for photos. However, they have a job in another industry, and, most likely, don’t follow many of the best photography business practices, but they can get the job done. The prices won't be as expensive and sometimes they may be free. There are also people who are known as ‘semi-pros’(Petapixel 1). They are the people that have ambitions of joking the professional level but also have many other jobs. The price range for them

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