Hillary Clinton Pros And Cons

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The two major party nominees, Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, led an unprecedented, historical election. Throughout the extremely negative, polarizing and controversial race, both candidates had the lowest approval ratings of any major party nominee (Wright). They reflected a major national discontent and strong divide between the parties, and overall, brought to light many underlying issues in the country. During the election, an overall abrupt upending of traditional politics only furthered negativity in the country. Mirroring America's discontent with the political establishment, the majority of Americans were upset with their choice of major party candidates, of whom they perceived to each be severely flawed (Chozick). The electorate saw Donald Trump, with no political experience, defy all establishment expectations and win the presidency, despite controversy that a traditional candidate likely could not have survived. Also, voters witnessed Hillary Clinton, a historically flawed candidate with a low approval rating, be nominated by a major party. Her continued email scandals and FBI investigations also furthered voter …show more content…

On the Republican side, many saw Hillary Clinton as the embodiment of these values. In addition, the terrorist epidemic persuaded many voters to look for a candidate that will be strongly militaristic, nationalistic and simply, someone they believed would keep them safe. Trump voters felt Hillary Clinton, especially due to the Benghazi scandal, would not be a competent, protective Commander-in-Chief. Also, all twenty interviewed voters were concerned the mainstream media is untruthful, and Donald Trump undoubtedly played on this concern constantly: "If the disgusting and corrupt media covered me honestly and didn't put false meaning into the words I say, I would be beating Hillary by 20%”

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