The Pros And Cons Of Hillary Clinton

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Hillary Clinton should have won the 2016 Presidential Election for a variety of reasons, some of which are political and some of which are not. The first reason why Hillary should have been elected president is because she supports the declaration of independence in ways Donald Trump does not. As stated in the US Constitution “Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness” a quote with which Hillary supports unconditionally and which Donald Trump does not. Even though Trump has not clearly stated that he disagrees with the constitution it has been shown in his actions and what he advocates for, shown in the “conversion therapy” policy. The conversion therapy policy is psychological treatment or spiritual counseling designed to change a person's sexual orientation from homosexual or bisexual to heterosexual. By Donald Trump, and his running mate Mike Pence supporting this it shows that they will force people to be something they aren't and make them unhappy. How can we know he won't break laws to have it his way, making people follow one …show more content…

There are two kinds of votes that are monitored during the election, the popular vote which is the total number of votes and there is the electoral vote which is a winner take all system. So if Hillary Clinton gets 51% of the votes in California and Donald Trump get 49% Hillary would win all of the votes. According to CNN “...clung to a narrow lead in the popular vote, 47.7%-47.5%. She had 59,755,284 votes, according to CNN's tally, with 92% of the expected vote counted. Trump had 59,535,522.” Currently multiple sites are showing that Hillary is leading the popular vote from 600,000 votes to 1,000,000 votes. It is important to take notice of these votes because it exposes a fundamental issue with the electoral college and is unfair to the people who support Hillary and don't want Trump to become

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