Hidden Math Theorists

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In the movie Hidden Figures they used many Standards of Math Practices. In the movie there are three colored women that work as computers at NASA. The names of the women are Katherine Goble Johnson, Dorothy Vaughn, and Mary Jackson. These women jobs show some examples of Standards of Math Practices. Katherine Goble Johnson, a main character and one of the colored women has a job as a computer where she had to attend to precision with her math. Later on she gets promoted and is the only colored women in the new environment, her job is to make sure calculations are correct. Toward the end of the movie NASA, sends out a person to orbit in a shuttle called Friendship 7. There was a problem that the numbers were not matching up with the new computer calculations. Right before the launch they looked for Katherine so she can check the math to see if the landing point was correct and ready to launch. She did the math and the launch and the landing was a success. …show more content…

Her job was like a supervisor for the West Group Computing. During the movie NASA got an IBM machine that would have gotten all the computers out of a job, but at night she goes in and reads about the computer and learns what it does. Later on she goes to a library to get a useful and appropriate tool to use wisely, a book about the computer coding and etc. She went to the colored computing group to teach them so they were useful and not out of a job. During the day the men were having some trouble making the computer work as said before she walks in at night and fixed it, but then the men came back and saw what she did and she and the west computers got reassigned to the IBM and are working with it since they are the only ones that can work them, since they learned from the book Dorothy

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