Heterogeneity: The Four Types Of Serial Killers

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Although heterogeneity is most likely to characterize most psychological and criminological categories, researchers conceptualized some shared characteristics between serial killers. Although heterogeneity exists within any psychological or criminological category, certain common characteristics are found among serial killers. Demographic and descriptive features Serial murderers are typically white males in their twenties to forties, yet those whose crimes go undetected for many years are likely to be older when caught. They are usually single and often regarded as intelligent and charming. They are often considered loners, although many are married or live in relatively stable relationships. As for their socio-economic statuses, their housing and employment statuses may either be steady or unstable (Chan & Heide, …show more content…

In their book, these authors have proposed four different types of serial killers based on their varying degree of motivation and anticipated gains: visionary, mission, hedonistic and power control. According to the authors, we can classify serial killers based on their motivation behind the killing. The visionary serial killer resembles Dietz’s (1986) description of the psychotic killer. These killers’ crimes may, therefore, result in invocation of an insanity defense (Miller, 2014). The missionary serial killer murders under the motive of ridding the world of those he considers to be ‘undesirable’. He may judge prostitutes, homosexuals, or even Catholics to be unworthy and hence deserving to die. He is not psychotic and is geographically stable. The hedonistic serial killer may be classified into two groups: the lust killer, who seeks sexual gratification, and the thrill killer, who is in it for the excitement and pleasure. Finally, the power control killer is obsessed with control. He derives pleasure when he controls the entire future of his victims; their

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