Hester Prynne's Love And Love In The Scarlet Letter, By Nathaniel Hawthorne

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The Scarlet Letter Think about how much you love your family. How would you feel if someone tried to take them away from you? In the book The Scarlet Letter a young woman named Hester Prynne had to face this dire situation. After a heavily regretted mistake with a man from her village, Hester gave birth to a beautiful little girl whom she named Pearl. Pearl’s beauty radiated and everyone who saw her noticed it with great awe. However, despite her physical beauty, on the inside Pearl appeared a rather strange child, almost acting as a witch. When Pearl reached the age of about six, she and her mother, Hester, visited upon request the governor’s home to discuss something. Once they arrived the men present aroused the issue of whether …show more content…

Even though she may not have always portrayed it in the most obvious ways, Pearl loved Hester. Hester and the red badge of shame she wore, represented comfort and love to sweet Pearl and she loved both. Gaining Pearl’s trust seemed extremely rare if not impossible for virtually everyone, that is except Hester. All of Pearl’s trust abided in her caring mother Hester, and in no one else. If the village had insisted on removing her from her mother’s care, it would have terrified Pearl, as she only trusted that one single loving person. Pearl needed her to stay with her mother so that she could always rely on and trust the person most vital to her. If Pearl moved in with a different family, not only would Pearl suffer, but so would that family. Pearl possessed a quite different personality than most children. She almost appeared a witch to most people who observed her wild behavior. She lived in her own world most of the time, whether embracing her surroundings and seemingly becoming them, or running around like a possessed being all through the village. Only Hester knew how to best handle and control Pearl’s unique behavior, and therefore they needed to stay together. Pearl needed someone who would love her to the fullest no matter how wild or different she acted. Hester and Hester alone were this person. Pearl’s desperate need for love and reliance, she only found in her mother

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